Sunday, July 26, 2015

Reflections and Thank you!

My Reflections

I enjoyed my visit to the Cotuit Library.  It has beautiful aesthetics, a gracious and well-informed staff and a tech-savvy, easy-to-talk with, Converse-wearing, director.   What I gleaned most from the experience is in order to be of value and continued gatekeepers of information, library staff should be prepared to teach our patrons (as Jennie says) "how to live in a digital world." Technology continues to advance and it's important to remain "plugged in" to our patrons and their information needs.  Libraries don't have to give up their books and comfy chairs, on the contrary.  There seem to be more and more people coming to libraries as a place to gather, connect and seek information; especially technology help. As I observed patrons of a different library, I noticed a common theme with my own.  They seem happy to be there, to engage with their books, their devices or the library's, with each other or with the staff.  The difference is how we [the librarians] approach the information seeker in today's "digital world".   Will we be part of the "I can't" movement or part of the "I can find that out for/with you?"  As Jennie "Coyote" Wiley, "super-genius" librarian says, to be of value to your patrons, "you only have to want to learn."

Thank you Jennie!

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Jennie Wiley, Director of Cotuit Library for breaking away from her busy summer library and schedule to help me with this assignment.  I had a most excellent adventure, was able to take my time, take some great photos and interact with the staff.  I look forward to revisiting the Cotuit Library again and hope to make it to their Star-gazer event some time soon!  

Thank you for reading my blog about Cotuit Library ... I'll leave this with one last photo of the children's area.  It looked light and bright, warm and welcoming... and remember to support your local libraries! 


Wiley, J. (2015, July 7). Director. (J. Remie, Interviewer)

*All images taken by me.
**Image of avatar used with the permission of Cotuit Library

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Last notes

What separates Cotuit Library from the others?

When I asked Jennie what she thought was unique about the Cotuit Library, she sated without hesitation, their tutoring and technology classes.  Jennie and her staff reach out every Tuesday and Thursday to their patrons.  You can make an appointment or just bring in any device you wish to have help with learning.  Sure, they get plenty of tablets, phone and laptop questions, what library doesn't?  But does your library actually make the time to sit with a patron one-on-one and work through ANY technology issue?  Her's does.  One gentleman brought his wireless printer to them because he could not get it to work at home.  They helped him configure and troubleshoot the printer. Any issues, any device.  If they can't help you themselves, they will find someone who can.

Jennie poses the question in her approach to teaching her community this way; "How do we live in a digital world?"  Whether it's providing equipment or lessons, Jennie wants her patrons to have the tools and understanding to connect and make it in a digital world.  So what happens when a grandmother reaches out to the library because she is unable to visit with her granddaughter, and her granddaughter doesn't want to talk on the phone?  Jennie resolves this by holding a class on Skyping at the Senior Center or creating a "Facebook for Grandparents" workshop.  Whatever the question, you won't hear Jennie's staff saying "I'm sorry, I can't help you with that."

What works, what doesn't - any final wishes?

Nothing in Cotuit Library has an out of order sign on it, nor was anything we discussed "in repair" other than a few donated telescopes that needed calibration.  She has most of her known technology issues addressed in her Gateway II plan.  Short of having enough expansion space for all the groovy items on her wish list, she utilizes the space very efficiently.  The only suggestion to her was the public computers and concern for more protection.  She stated the staff does regular updates and "wipes" the computers fairly regularly.  They've had no major issues so far, so it works for them.  In a final note I asked her if cost was not an issue, what technology would she want to have offered at Cotuit Library.  She said a 3D printer and a small press to publish local artists (there is one in Provincetown, Mass.)   She wants to be the first Cape librarian to have a 3D printer to offer.  Secret - she will be.  The 3D printer is almost a done deal.  It won't be a large one - no bigger than a breadbox - and will cost around $3,000.  She has sponsors for the project, but I asked for no other details.  Rock on Jennie!

Almost Forgotten
Social Media:  There was so much information that I forgot to mention social media!  I don't know how, since Jennie and I talked about the Mobile App more than once throughout our interview.
Cotuit Library is equipped with social media buttons.  They have a Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, Reddit, Google+ and a Blog .  Jennie believes these items are critical in today's library.  She pays around $60 per YEAR to advertise on Facebook.  Social media can (and did at their library) mean the difference between expecting 25-30 people at a summer outdoor movie event and getting 350!  Yes, that was not a type-o!  The challenge is that it can be time-consuming.  Filtering out and selecting who to send the invites to for what events is what takes the time, but she feels as a private library who relies on fundraising to meet her operating budget, it is worth keeping it up to date.  Social media gets the word out quickly, inexpensively and brings in new patrons -  period.  

Cost of Technology:  Approximately 1/3 of Jennie's library budget is spent on technology, databases, CDs and DVDs.  Although she did say that they have a separate line item for capital technology expense.

My Checklist of Questions...

So ... what I really want to know is...

Me:  "Ok, Jennie, what's the deal with the MadMen Avatars in place of actual staff photos?
Jennie: (laughs)  "The staff is camera shy.  They don't like two things - having their photos taken and team building exercises.  So, the avatar creation was a compromise.

Me:  "Team building?"
Jennie:  "Yes, I hold team building exercises for the staff.  Those who do not participate, are punished.  I make JibJab ( videos of them and they have to sit and watch as punishment."

Me: "That's hysterical! Speaking of staff, in your Gateway II plan, you note this library's staff as 'one of the more electronically proficient in the area.'  Why do you think so?"
Jennie:  "All my staff are required to take technology training.  At the very least, each staff member has to know how to download an eBook to any device.  I am not saying that I only hired 'skilled' librarians.  What I am saying is they better be willing to learn.  Navigating technology and services make information available to all people regardless of where they live, how they get their information or what their income is. We [library staff] can not constantly be behind everyone [with regard to technology advances].  We should be the first ones learning.  The staff knows that 'No' or 'I can't' is not an option to tell their patrons.  Psychology has proven that once you introduce the word 'no' or 'can't,' a person will not hear what follows.  I don't want anyone to leave the library having had a negative experience. Everyone in this library can do something.  If we are unable to provide an answer right away, we let patrons know what staff member would be able to help and when and ask that they come back."

[Jennie did her master thesis for her MLS on the digital divide.]

Me:  "I noticed you have a Prezi account.  Are all those presentations yours?" (Prezi is an online program where you can create presentations for instruction (or whatever) and share them. (
Jennie:  "Yes.  It's a great tool for instructional demonstrations.  I use it when I teach "Technology Tuesdays" every week at the Senior Center.  I can use them over again, update them and share them with others.  I print out the slide show presentation as a hand out before class."

Me:  "Aren't you worried about copyright?  You know, getting credit?"
Jennie:  "No.  Not at all.  I am a Librarian first and foremost.  There is a creative commons license if people are worried.  I'm not.  I am happy they can be helpful instruction."

Me:  (smiling because, hey, she rocks!)  "Please tell me about "Laptops for Kidz." (
Jennie:  "We work with the Mason's Angel Foundation by being a receiving place for donated computers.  The foundation then refurbishes them and through the school, distributes them to children who don't have access to a computer outside of school.  We now accept donations of tablets as well."

Me:  "Finally, a word about the Massachusetts Library Association awards.  Could you tell me a little about the 3 awards?"
Jennie:  "They were for our Mobile App, the Telescope lending program and our color bi-annual newsletter.  I feel the mobile app streamlines our services to reach more patrons.  Pretty much everyone has a mobile phone and this also allows us to keep our seasonal patrons in the loop of what is going on at the library when they are away.

The telescope lending program allows patrons to borrow telescopes.  We have a large one for our Star-gazing event (  People bring their own telescopes too.  We have a local astronomer that helps with calibration and set up, but we [the staff] are also learning.  It started off with the donation of the large telescope and morphed.  Patrons have donated telescopes to the library.  They can be borrowed.  There is about 14 telescopes.

The newsletter is a publication we send out 2 times a year and keep copies at our front desk for visitors.  We still mail for people who may not have internet access where they live or just aren't online.  The MLS uses criteria of design and cost as a factor in award.  I connected with a real estate agent and he distributes them with his vacation flyers so tourists can see what is around for free."

[A copy can be downloaded from this webpage:]

Cotuit Library


Wiley, J. (2015, July 7). Director. (J. Remie, Interviewer)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Technology, Staff side

Staff Computer stations

Staff computer stations are networked together but separately from the public computers.  Using a T-1 connection, the computers run very efficiently.  The director's computer, however, is run off the WiFi connection.

The staff is equipped with Dell OptiPlex all-in-one computers with larger monitors.  Jennie feels that eliminating the separate desktop CPU allows more space for the larger monitors (I believe they are 21") at the front desk, giving ease of viewing for their staff.


Jennie wants her staff to be comfortable while working, so they have ergonomic mouse and keyboard pads and adjustable height chairs.

The library proper also has had some overhaul towards ergonomics, but I'll state some examples later.

Maintenance and Repair to technology - and more on policy

Library technology is maintained and repaired in this order:  Staff takes a stab at troubleshooting, then the director gets involved (and usually resolves the solution).  Jennie has an outside vendor that she will call in if the need arises, but has found with the Malware bytes and AVG Virus protection she has very low incidence.  The staff is trained to install and update virus software and do regular maintenance.  Each staff member is able to do something that contributes to the whole process, whether it disc repair, clearing the cache or updating software.  

Jennie vehemently is against filtering software on their public access computers and laptops (with the exception of the children's tablets previously mentioned).   "I am a librarian, not a censor, nor would I ever take a job as a censor."  She believes that the gain to access of information outweighs the risks.  "They simply don't filter effectively."  Education goes into patron education through use of "discretion" and parent monitoring. 

Front Desk - Copies and Fax

The front desk is located directly opposite the main entrance and has a warm and welcoming staff where they offer fax service.  (you can see by the picture, the staff is camera shy...)  In the background of the photo, you will see a patron browsing DVD's on the movable rack.

Space for Technology, More on Ergonomics and Assistive Technology

So, is there enough space for the technology?

Well, not really.  Space is an issue.  "All of the ground space the library has used, so there is no physical space for expansion", says Jennie.  They have enough electrical outlets and data ports for their current inventory, but Jennie wants to transition more away from static computer stations to additional laptops and mobile devices.  Their Gateway II plan is where they hope to accomplish this.
Storage of larger items, such as the projection and sound system, is cramped into their offices.
The plan calls for remodeling areas of the library to better utilize the space.  The bathroom (pictured above) would give way to a lift to bring more accessibility to the lower level (bottom right).  The office would be remodeled to allow more space for processing and storage for the staff.   The cost, which would also include expanding their "Technology Petting Zoo" to include classes for individuals and small businesses and a docking station for laptops is estimated at $300,000 (downloadable pdf with all details at

For grins, have a look at the Cataloger's processing desk. She loves it because it's the old schoolmaster's desk, which although I imagine is not very ergonomic, it certainly is pretty darn cool.  

Assistive Technology and Patron Comfort

The library has a Reader for vision loss and highly calibrated headphones for hearing loss.  The staff adjusts screens - resolution, font, brightness - to help their patrons with need.  One computer station is wheelchair accessible but Jennie hopes the laptops will provide better mobility for patrons with physical impairments.

Being a historic library, the patrons are resistant to any updates that will take away from the look and feel they love, so library directors and trustees seamlessly correct fixtures and furniture that no longer works.  They have let additional light into the Great Room (a quiet space where patrons relax, study and get the advantage of a real working fireplace in the winter months) by installing windows that keep the historic theme in tact.   Jennie also got rid of the old "library chairs" and replaced them with comfortable updated cushioned seating.
(Pay no attention to that man seated in the very comfy chair reading... he's with me...)

Information seeking, organizing and retrieval...

In other words, putting it all together so that it makes sense to you!  

My interview with Jennie Wiley lasted approximately 2 1/2 hours.  She was delightful and attentive to me, as well as to her patrons as we encountered them throughout the interview.  Here is a snapshot of the room we did most of our talking.  She refers to it as the "Fine Arts room."  Pictured with her is her beautiful daughter, Naomi who is interning this summer and hopes to fulfill her goal of being a children's librarian some day.

Technology - the patron side...

With 5 patron networked/wired stationary computers (using cable modem), 1 OPAC computer, 11 WiFi laptops, an iPad, iPod, Samsung Galaxy tablet, 4 kids Kurio tablets, a Nook touch, an early generation Kindle, Paper White Kindle and Kindle Fire, there are plenty of options for patrons to gain internet access, access the online catalog, do homework, play games or just read an eBook. 

I was not able to get photos of the mobile items, nor did I want to disturb patrons working on the laptops, but the patrons to the right gave me permission to photo them working at one of the stationary public computers.

Left - a young man in the process of printing a document.

There is an AUP and Internet Policies (all can be found on their policies page at, but Jennie does not include a timer as one of those policies.  Wiley states that "timers cause patrons undue stress."  She wants all her patrons to feel they have sufficient time to accomplish their computer/internet needs.  Her trend towards laptops is evident of this.  

*The kid's Kurio tablets are pre-loaded with games and educational apps and offer a range of restrictions from no internet to full internet access thereby giving parents the responsibility for determining what is in the best interests of their children.   

As a compliment to the above-mentioned services, the library provides copy, fax and print services. A black and white will cost you .15 per page, but you can get color for .25.  Faxes are $1 per page.

She is very proud of her new copier: 

Cotuit Library is an automated library with an OPAC system through a consortium called CLAMS (Cape Library Automated Materials Sharing).   Being a part of CLAMS assures patrons access to multiple resources across the cape using their patron library card. (

Ubiquitous patron services they provide are their website (, access to Flipster, an award-winning Mobile Library App, a number of databases - including Mango, Heritage Quest online (ancestry), newspapers, Gale databases and Learning Express, which I found to be very exciting!  Learning Express provides access to lots of learning and career help and instruction for children to adults.  ( 

What can be borrowed?

Jennie feels that "almost anything can be borrowed."  She is extremely community oriented and wants her patrons "to find the library to be the source of all their information needs."

Besides DVD's, Cd's and Books on tape, the library also has a projector/sound system, a record player, and TELESCOPES!  Two items that do not typically leave the library are their baby grand piano and their largest telescope (pictured here):

With a lot of different types of equipment and a modest sized library (with little storage), finding places to store these items can be challenging.

So, she scatters them around where she can find space.  
Left photo - shelved books on tape
Right photo - DVD rack to the left (on the right side you will see the OPAC station and a patron at one of the 5 stationary computers)

Interview Questions

Reflecting back on the posts, I realize I left out what questions I actually asked Jennie during our interview.  I emailed her some of the more technical questions to give her a chance to prepare and discuss answers.

Pre-interview questions as taken from our suggested assignment list (blesh, 2015):

What types of Technology is available for patrons and staff to use in the library?
What types of internet-based technology services are provided to patrons ubiquitously?
Who on staff manages technology and internet/website?
How much proportionately is spent on technology, databases, CD's, Video, Dvd software?
What types of systems are employed?  (networked? wired? wireless?)
What type of internet access and type of connection does the library have?
What do they use for automation? (online catalog)
Does the library have AUP for internet/technology use?  Timers?
Who handles technology hardware/software repair?
What equipment is available for community? (organizations and/or patron lending)
Is there adequate space for the technology?
Do you offer Assistive Technology?
Do you pay special attention to ergonomics?
How does the library store it's technology equipment? (dvds, players, etc)
Are there security measures for theft?  Virus' protection on computers?
Does the library have downloads for eBooks, iFlicks, Mp3, Books on tape? (other?)
What do you feel is your unique service or sets you apart from other libraries?
If cost was no issue, what technology would you like to offer your patrons?

As mentioned in my last post, I did research into their website and services and had some other questions I wanted to ask without pre warning so that I could give the interview a more serendipitous encounter.

My checklist looked like this (Wiley, 2015):
Avatars for staff directory
"More electronically proficient" staff?
Tech Tuesdays/Thursdays?
Laptops for kidz program
MLS awards
Gateway II proposal

Blesh, Dr. Tamara. 2015. Assignments & Projects. On-site Visitation.
Wiley, Jennie. 2015. Cotuit Library/Blog.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Visit and Interview Day

So, today I made the scheduled visit to the Cotuit Library and had a really great experience!  I enjoyed meeting with the director, Jennie Wiley aka Jennie "Coyote" Wiley (her online moniker - after the great Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius (Jones, 1949)) and her wonderful, energetic staff.  

Turns out I didn't think Jennie's avatar looked a whole lot like her...but then again, it was created through Mad Men avatar creator.  Since I'm not familiar with the Mad Men series, perhaps some of you will see her character in her once you hear more about the real Jennie.  Her website's "Staff Directory" has a Mad Men avatar in place of an actual photo for each of her staff.  This was her compromise for their camera shyness. Jennie wanted the visual for her patrons and it ended up being a fun thing all around.  She told me her staff sometimes are told they look just like their avatar.  

You saw Jennie's avatar... now here's Jennie - along side her office (that once was a closet).
As I go off to compile my many notes and photos - I'll let you decide:  Personally?  I think she's much cuter in real life.

Jones, Chuck. "Wile E Coyote, Super Genius." Looney Tunes. 1949. Web. 07 July 2015. <>.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Huston, We have Contact!

Jennie Wiley, Director of Cotuit Library and I have been emailing back and forth since June 21st and have finally set a date for my first visit (no, that's not a real picture of her - just her avatar found next to her name on their staff directory)!  July 1st she confirmed that I could meet with her Tuesday, July 7th around 9:30 a.m (when they open their library doors)!  I'm both excited and nervous.  I decided to visit a couple times - first to meet with her, with my interview questions and to get the lay of the land (technology wise, that is).  Then, do a follow up with her to ensure I covered what was required of the assignment.  

I was looking up some information to help me get started on Jennie when I came upon this interesting little tidbit while snooping around their library's blog:  (
We're gonna brag for just a minute . . .

Last week, we learned that our library won three awards from the Massachusetts Library Association.  We won awards for our mobile library app, our mailed newsletter, and the article that appeared in the Barnstable Patriot about our telescope lending program.  We are super surprised and excited about this grand news.  
If you want to check out the app, you can scan the QR code above or just search for Cotuit Library in your devices app store.  It's available for IPads, Androids, both tablets and phones, and the Kindle Fire.  
You can read download and print a copy of our newsletter below, if you didn't get one in the mail.

I am really looking forward to finding out about the technology items that won them awards!  I am a star-gazer, so the telescope lending program sounds out of this world (yes, bad pun...but necessary). I am also looking forward to hearing about the mobile library app and what they came up with for a mailed newsletter that was award-winning certainly intrigues me.

Stay tuned for more info about Jennie and the Cotuit Library!  Blasting off!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Blogging - Adventure or A New Venture
Not much of a photo, I agree.  It doesn't have much substance to it, but then it represents what I feel inside as I approach a new venture in blogging.  This is my first experience, so please bear with me as we journey together.
*I am a professional photographer, so all of the photos you see here are my originals (unless otherwise indicated).

Hello ILS Classmates!!

In brief:  The library I chose for my interview and blog is the Cotuit Library.  Situated on 871 Main Street in Cotuit Massachusetts about 1000 feet from beautiful Cotuit Bay on Cape Cod, Cotuit Library is one of seven private, independent, non-profit village libraries serving the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts.

I am currently in communication with the Director, Jennie Wiley who agreed to help me with this project.  I met Jennie a couple years ago when she was Director of one of our village libraries in Dennis and am looking forward to working with her.